

Dr. Shelley’s in-depth training, Self-Mastery to Riches Academy, takes you step-by-step through 12-months of transformational coaching so that you can create the life you want and deserve with ease.

Contrary to what you might initially think…you can get more from group coaching than individual coaching.

Being in an environment that is conducive to growth with like-minded women going for their goals is not only supportive it can help you grow even faster. 

You will build a solid foundation to reach for your dreams, flourish and launch into an orbit you didn’t know existed. You will know who you are, your greater purpose and harness your inner power to take complete control of your life. You will have certainty that you can achieve anything you set in your mind. You will turn up your power and achieve exponential gains you never imagined possible. 


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Included in Self-Mastery to Riches Academy is Thinking into Results™, a unique coaching system incorporating the teachings of Bob Proctor. This life-changing system dramatically changes the course of people’s lives.

As a certified consultant with Bob Proctor, Dr. Shelley coaches, and mentors you through Bob's powerful wealth system, enabling you to breakthrough to a higher level of success.

These concepts, known by very few, are based on how the top successful people in the world, past and present, think, feel, and operate. 

© DR. Shelley NASH



